A life devoted to medical physics and disseminating scienceLearn how the IAEA’s Jenia Vassileva turned her passion for maths and physics into an impactful career in radiation protection and safety in the medical field. |
IAEA meeting on advisory services for medical exposuresHeld in September at IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, this meeting highlighted the need for an advisory mission that supports radiation protection and safety in medical areas. |
New IAEA Safety Standards on concept of exemptionThe IAEA's new General Safety Guide on the Application of the Concept of Exemption (GSG-17) describes a graded approach, for regulators and operating organizations. |
New IAEA Safety Standards on concept of clearanceThe IAEA's new General Safety Guide on the Application of the Concept of Clearance (GSG-18) gives recommendations on release from regulatory control. |
Optimization of radiation protection in pediatric interventional radiologyThis paper co-authored by the IAEA explores developments and challenges of the OPRIPALC programme in Latin America and the Caribbean. |
Artificial intelligence in medical physicsThis publication contextualizes the roles and responsibilities of clinically qualified medical physicists in the framework of the application of AI in the medical uses of radiation. |
Worldwide implementation of digital mammography imagingThis publication provides guidance on the establishment of digital mammography facilities and the upgrade of existing facilities: planning, designing and operating. |
AOCMP–SEACOMP in Penang, Malaysia, 10–13 October 2024Next year's joint congress is themed 'Revolutionising Patient Care through Medical Physics'. Registration and abstract submission opens 10 January. |