
EFRS Research Committee Webinar Series 2023 - Episode 3

EFRS Research Committee Webinar Series 2023 - Episode 3

EFRS Research Committee Webinar Series 2023 - Episode 3, which will be held on November 15th, at 20.00 CET

R-POP Newsletter — November 2023

R-POP Newsletter — November 2023

Below you will find all the latest news and events on radiation protection of patients from the IAEA.

Sve objave

ENEN2+ and PIANOFORTE mobility grants

ENEN2+ and PIANOFORTE mobility grants

On behalf of the EFRS Executive Boardm I herewith announce the ENEN2+ and PIANOFORTE mobility grants

Patients at the heart of our (radiographers) work

Patients at the heart of our (radiographers) work

On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-rays, and therefore we must look at this day as a day of action and awareness.

Patient Radiation Exposure Monitoring in Medical Imaging

Patient Radiation Exposure Monitoring in Medical Imaging

Invitation to join IAEA webinar 

14 September 2023, 14:00–15:00 (CEST)

R-POP Newsletter — June 2023

R-POP Newsletter — June 2023

Below you will find all the latest news and events on radiation protection of patients from the IAEA.

RPOP - Radiation Protection of Patients - ožujak 2023

RPOP - Radiation Protection of Patients - ožujak 2023

Radiation Protection of Patients (RPOP) – the leading resource for health professionals, patients and public on the safe and effective use of radiation in medicine.

EURAMED rocc-n-roll radiation protection webinars for health professionals

EURAMED rocc-n-roll radiation protection webinars for health professionals

From January 23-26, 2023, EURAMED rocc-n-roll will hold a radiation protection training event for health professionals.

Godišnja Skupština Europske federacije radiografskih udruženja (EFRS)

Godišnja Skupština Europske federacije radiografskih udruženja (EFRS)

Godišnja Skupština Europske federacije radiografskih udruženja (EFRS) održana je u Helsinkiju 11. i 12. studenog 2022. 

4. škola mamografskog pozicioniranja

4. škola mamografskog pozicioniranja

Odjel za abdominalnu radiologiju i radiologiju dojke i Zavod za medicinsku fiziku i zaštitu od zračenja Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka organiziraju 4. ŠKOLU MAMOGRAFSKOG POZICIONIRANJA, petak i subotu 16. i 17. prosinca 2022 g.


Hrvatsko društvo
radiološke tehnologije

Mlinarska cesta 38
10000 Zagreb
