Broj: 2/2024
ISSN 0352-9835 (Tisak)
ISSN 2671-0781 (Online)
Riječ urednika/Uvodna riječ
Dragi čitatelji Radiološkog Vjesnika,
Polako smo ušli u novu eru radiološke tehnologije. Sa novom erom su došli novi izazovi, rad u potpuno digitalnom okruženju, kibernetički napadi. Umjetna inteligencija više nije novost, sada se raspravlja o njenim prednostima, nedostacima, prilikama i prijetnjama. Drugi broj Radiološkog vjesnika za 2024. godinu nam donosi upravo takve teme, uz nezaobilazne napredne tehnike slikovnog prikaza u području magnetske rezonancije i kompjutorizirane tomografije te skrb za onkološke pacijente. Pritom konvencionalnu radiografiju i dalje smatramo vrijednom pažnje, a odgovor na pitanje treba li nam sustav za ocjenu
kvalitete radiološke slike pronađite ovdje. Jesen 2024. godine je vrijeme događanja Kongresa Dani radiološke tehnologije, sa temom: Jesmo li samostalni? – i 1. Simpozijem studenata radiološke tehnologije. U ovom izdanju Vam donosimo puni program i sve radove koji će biti prezentirani na ovom stručnom događanju. Radujemo se skorom viđenju i novim zajedničkim profesionalnim izazovima.
U ime Uredničkog odbora Radiološkog vjesnika,
Andrija Čop
A word from the Editor
Dear readers of Radiological Journal,
We have slowly entered a new era of radiological technology. With the new era came new challenges, work in a completely digital environment, cyber attacks. Artificial intelligence is no longer a novelty, its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats are now being discussed. The second issue of the Radiological Journal for 2024 brings us precisely such topics, along with indispensable advanced imaging techniques in the field of magnetic resonance and computerised tomography, as well as care for oncology patients. At the same time, we still consider conventional radiography worthy of attention, and the answer to the question of whether we need an evaluation system of the quality of radiological image can be found here. This fall of 2024 is the time for the Days of Radiation Technology Congress, with the topic: Exploring autonomy – and 1st Symposium of students of medical radiation technology. In this edition, we bring you the full program and all the abstracts that will be presented at this professional event. We look forward to seeing each other soon and to new joint professional challenges.
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Radiological Journal,
Andrija Čop
Publisher / Nakladnik
Hrvatsko društvo radiološke tehnologije
Mlinarska cesta 38
10000 Zagreb
Editor in Chief / Glavni urednik
Damir Ciprić
Deputy editors / Zamjenici glavnog urednika
Velimir Karadža, Frane Mihanović
Secretary / Tajnik
Branko Kovalisko
Editorial Board / Urednički odbor
Vladimir Bahun, Andrija Čop, Dražen Horvatinec, Matija Hranić, Barbara Juratović, Maja Karić, Vedran Manestar, Tatjana Matijaš, Rita Simões, Enis Tinjak
Scientific Advisory Council / Urednički savjet
Dario Faj, Marija Frković, Hrvoje Hršak, Melita Kukuljan, Ivana Kralik, Goran Roić, Tamer Salha, Klaudija Višković
For publisher / Za nakladnika
Damir Ciprić
Velimir Karadža
Graphic design / Grafičko uređenje
Željko Podoreški
Cyber attacks on radiological systems
The base of today’s radiological devices are computers and networks. The radiology department has a specific way of working and there are standar
SWOT analysis of the application of artificial intelligence in radiologic technology and radiology
Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing changes to radiology and radiologic technology, enabling the development of programs and algorithms that f
The importance of MRI in determining the stage of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is one of the most common malignant tumours in women. The treatment of early and locally advanced stages of this cancer typically i
The overview of imaging protocols for chest CT
Computed Tomography (CT) is a common method of choice in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases.
Treba li nam sustav za ocjenu kvalitete radiološke slike u konvencionalnoj radiografiji?
Ovim radom nastoji se ukazati na važnost uspostave sustava za ocjenu kvalitete radiološke slike u konvencionalnoj radiografiji.
Tumor Hypoxia and Radioresistance
Tumor hypoxia is a prevalent feature of solid tumors, significantly contributing to increased tumor aggressiveness, metastatic potential, and resis