Medicine & Law / Medicina i pravo
Ante Klarić¹, Velimir Karadža²
¹ Zagreb Health Centre West, Croatia
² University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Clinic of Oncology
Corresponding author: Ante Klarić, Head of the Legal Affairs Department, Zagreb Health Centre West, Croatia,
If one posed a question on how ready is the Republic of Croatia, for use of artificial intelligence in legal and legislative terms in medicine, the answer at this point would be – it is not. The fact is that processes in medicine involve the application of state-of-the-art technologies, as is artificial intelligence, but it is also a controversial fact that the health legislative system does not develop seemingly, in the direction in which it is assumed, according to standards that exist in other developed countries of Europe and the world. Our society awaits many challenges due to the use of ever more ubiquitous applications of artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art, sophisticated technologies and technological processes in treatment, which will need regulation through the prescribed cognitive legal norm. Regulation of the medical treatment process driven by artificial intelligence, must be in place through the norm because the area is too important to be left to technological progress without legal control and adequate legal regulation. In this regard, medicine and all treatment processes, diagnostics and therapies in the health care system must be carried out with one single clear goal, which is the protection and preservation of human health and life.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, medicine, healthcare professional, responsibility
Koliko je Republika Hrvatska spremna za korištenje umjetne inteligencije u pravno-zakonodavnom smislu u medicini, odgovor će u ovom trenutku biti - nije. Činjenica je da procesi u medicini podrazumijevaju primjenu najsuvremenijih tehnologija u liječenju pa tako i umjetne inteligencije, ali isto tako je notorna činjenica da se zdravstveni zakonodavni sustav u regulaciji istog ne razvija u smjeru u kakvom se pretpostavlja i kakvi jesu standardi u drugim modernim državama Europe i svijeta. Naše društvo očekuju brojni izazovi upotrebe sveprisutnih oblika umjetne inteligencije i najmodernijih sofisticiranih tehnologija i tehnoloških procesa u liječenju, a koja će trebati regulaciju kroz propisanu kogentnu pravnu normu. Regulacije procesa liječenja primjenom umjetne inteligencije putem norme mora biti jer je naznačeno područje prevažno da bi se prepustilo tehnološkoj progresiji bez pravne kontrole i adekvatnog pravnog nadzora. Naime medicina i svi procesi liječenja, dijagnostike i terapije u sustavu zdravstvene zaštite i zdravstvene djelatnosti obavljaju se s jednim jedinim jasnim ciljem, a to je zaštita i očuvanje ljudskog zdravlja i života.