Literature review article / Stručni pregledni članak
Karlo Blažetić1, Maja Karić1,2
1 Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka, Klinički zavod za radiologiju
2 Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet zdravstvenih studija, Katedra za radiološku dijagnostiku
In the recent past, medicine has not had much choice in treating patients or predicting the course of the disease. Today, modern methods are being developed that will improve the daily life of patients in the form of better diagnostics and therapy. The idea that is based on personalized medicine by collecting data from medical images is called radiomics. Radiomics collects data from radiological images such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Features collected from the object of interest are shape, texture, intensity, histogram, margins, etc. These data are subsequently combined with demographic and clinical data to make an analysis. So, radiomics through artificial intelligence, segmentation and other methods may in the future provide the best possible medical care for everyone. The science that links radiological and genetic data is called radiogenomics. Radiogenomics tends to be able to replace some of the pathohistological methods based on imaging data. Thus, the main goals of radiomics and radiogenomics are: Prediction and prognosis of the course of the disease, determining the best therapy and providing less invasive diagnostics.
Keywords: Radiomics, Radiogenomics, Data analysis, Deep learning, Personalized medicine, Precise medicine