U Kliničkom bolničkom centru Osijek nedavno je pušten u rad najnoviji digitalni PET/CT uređaj proizvođača United Imaging Healthcare.
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DBT involves multiple projections with a moving X-ray tube acquired across an arc, rather than one single central projection that’s acquired with FFDM.
Održao se drugi i posljednji dio trogodišnjeg edukacijskog projekta pod nazivom „Best Practice in Radiation Oncology: Train the RTT (Radiation Therapist) Trainers“, u Beču, 20. – 23.11.2023.
Optimizacija dijagnostičkih i intervencijskih postupaka koji se provode uporabom rendgenskih uređaja
Proces optimizacije ne predstavlja samo prilagodbu parametara protokola za oslikavanje, već obuhvaća niz aktivnosti i struka koje su uključene u proces.
Recently, there has been an increased interest in the utilization of a handheld X-ray devices for intraoral imaging in modern dental practice.
The contemporary application of low-dose CT (LDCT), both in adults and children, is considered the gold standard due to its wide range of indications.
Radiotherapy is a medical procedure with potential high risk to harm patients. In order to reduce that risk and create a workflow safe for patients, prospective analysis tools are used.
Coronary artery disease is an atherosclerotic disease of the coronary arteries with consequent development of ischemic heart disease and is one of the leading causes of death in developed and developing countries.
Atrial fibrillation is just one of many arrhythmias that affects the cardiac rhythm and the heart as a pump which consequently increases the chance of an embolic insult.