Pandemija Covid-19 pogodila je sve europske zemlje i mnogi kongresi su odgođeni.
Ponosno predstavljamo EFRS-ov dokument "Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) Role Descriptor for Radiographers".
Based on a partnership between the European Board of Radiology (EBR) and the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS), we are pleased to
Webinar 1: Radiation Risk Communication for Paediatric Patients in Nuclear Medicine
The EFRS, in collaboration with the Radiation Protection of Patients Unit of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and EuroSafe Imaging, are
We herewith invite you to register for a webinar about the completely renewed
The EFRS Radiographers Research Hub was launched at ECR 2019, providing opportunities for radiographers to lead and participate in research. The Hub
Episode 3: Image-Guided Radiotherapy: (17/09/2020 @ 20:00 CET)
"Learning from Clinical errors in Radiotherapy: Sharing learning from different countries"
Webinari će se održati 19. i 26.10., te 2.11.2020. sa
Mlinarska cesta 3810000 Zagreb