The research HUB is a space where researchers can bring their projects and seek volunteers to participate in a number of types of studies. The
EFRS Research HUB 2022
Developing Teaching & Learning Technologies -18.02.2021.
The EFRS is carrying out this survey to gain an overview of current ultrasound practice by radiographers in Europe.
EFRS Educational Management Team sa zadovoljstvom najavljuje svoju seriju webinara za 2021. godinu s temom: Obrazovanje i istraživanje.
This webinar will provide an overview of the EFRS European Qualifications Framework Level 7 (Masters) Benchmarking Document for Radiographers and
Free live stream of the ESR event on Artificial Intelligence April 5-6
ESTRO IMRT/VMAT and other highly conformal techniques in practice", 29. svibnja - 2. lipnja 2022.
Mlinarska cesta 3810000 Zagreb